Durata corso:
5 giorni
1.650,00 €
Corso Architect Enterprise Applications with Java EE
Codice: DJ09
Questo corso Architect Enterprise Applications con Java EE ti insegna come sviluppare architetture robuste per applicazioni Java aziendali.
Il corso ha un approccio pratico che prevede l’utilizzo di appositi laboratori creati da Global Learning
Modalità di erogazione
In aula o Live Virtual Classroom
Attestato di partecipazione
Al termine del corso verrà rilasciato l’attestato di frequenza
Contenuti del corso
- Introducing Enterprise Architecture
- Introducing Fundamental Architectural Concepts
- Developing a Security Architecture
- Understanding Non-Functional Requirements
- Flexibility
- Capacity Planning
- Java EE 6 Overview
- Developing an Architecture for the Client Tier
- Developing an Architecture for the Web Tier
- Developing an Architecture for the Business Tier
- Developing an Architecture for the Integration and Resource Tiers
- Evaluating the Software Architecture
- Describe distributed computing and communication concepts
- Describe, in outline form, all Java EE technologies, including Enterprise JavaBeans, servlets, JavaServer Pages, and JavaServer Faces
- Perform analysis and design of object-oriented software systems
- Use a notation, such as the UML, for modeling object-oriented systems
- Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML
Suggeriti :
- Web Component Development with Servlets & JSPs, Java EE 6
- Business Component Development with EJB Technology, Java EE 6
- Java EE 5 Patterns
- Make good use of Java EE component technologies to solve typical problems in system architecture
- Derive software systems using techniques outlined in the Java EE Blueprint and solutions defined in the Java EE Patterns
- Address quality-of-service requirements in a cost-effective manner using engineering trade-off techniques
- Describe the role of the architect and the products an architect delivers
- List and describe typical problems associated with large-scale enterprise systems
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