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Durata corso:

2 giorni


730,00 €

Azure Administrator for AWS SysOps (AZ-010) (MSAZ14)

Codice: MSAZ14

This two-day course is designed for AWS Sysops administrators interested in learning 

how Azure is different from AWS, and how Azure is administered. The workshops main 

topics are Azure Administration, Azure Networking, Azure Compute, Azure Storage, and 

Azure Governance. This workshop combines lecture with hands-on practical exercises 

and discussion/review. During the workshop students will build an end-to-end 

architecture that demonstrates the main features discussed in the course

Modalità di erogazione

In aula o Live Virtual Classroom

Attestato di partecipazione

Al termine del corso verrà rilasciato l’attestato di frequenza

Contenuti del corso

Module 1: Azure Administration

In this module, you’ll learn about the tools and principle concepts needed to 

administer Azure. Topics include: Resource Manager, Resource Groups, Azure 

Portal, Azure CLI, Azure Templates, Cloud Shell, Azure Marketplace, and Azure 


  • Module 2: Azure Networking

In this module, you’ll learn about Azure networking features. Topics include: 

Azure Regions, Virtual Networks and Subnets, IP Addressing, Network Security 

Groups, Virtual Network Peering, VNet-to-VNet Connections, ExpressRoute, Load 

Balancers, and Network Watcher.

  • Module 3: Azure Compute

In this module, you’ll learn about configuring and monitoring Azure virtual 

machines. Topics include: Azure Virtual Machines, Creating Virtual Machines, 

Virtual Machine Sizes, Virtual Machine Disks, Availability Zones, Availability Sets, 

Windows VM Connections, Linux VM Connections, Azure Monitor, and Azure 


  • Module 4: Azure Storage

In this module, you’ll learn about Azure storage features and implementation. 

Topics include: Storage Accounts, Blob Storage, Blob Performance Tiers, File 

Shares, File Sync, Data Box, Content Delivery Network, Shared Access Signatures, 

and Service Endpoints.

  • Module 5: Azure Identity

In this module, you’ll learn about Azure identity solutions. Topics include: Azure 

Domains, Role-based Access Control, Azure Active Directory, Multi-Factor 

Authentication, Azure AD Identity Protection, and Azure Policy



The audience for this course is an AWS Sysops Administrator Associate or equivalent. 

This person has one to two years of experience in AWS deployment, management, and 

operations. Students taking this course are interested in learning how Azure is different 

from AWS, and how Azure is administered


Successful AWS Sysops start this course with experience in operating systems, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, identity solutions, and networking. Specifically, students should have: A working knowledge of how to construct CLI commands, including using the help pages to determine appropriate parameters and command structure. Understanding of virtual network concepts, Domain Name System (DNS), virtual private networks (VPNs), firewalls, gateways, and encryption technologies. Understanding of virtual machines, how they are used, and configuration options like CPU performance and disks. Understanding virtual storage concepts such as storage accounts, blobs, file shares, and disk types. Understanding of governance concepts, including role-based access control, identity management, and identity protection


Al termine del corso i partecipanti saranno in grado di:

  • Learning about the tools and principle concepts needed to administer Azure
  • Learning about Azure networking features
  • Learning about configuring and monitoring Azure virtual machines
  • Learning about Azure storage features and implementation
  • Learning about Azure identity solutions


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