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Durata corso:

2 giorni


860,00 €

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Customer Engagement Apps (CRM) (MB910T00) (MSD03)

Codice: MSD03

This course will provide you with a broad introduction to the customer engagement capabilities of Dynamics 365. You will become familiar with the concept of customer engagement, the core capabilities of customer engagement apps as well as with each of the customer engagement apps, including Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service and Dynamics 365 Field Service. This course will include lecture as well as hands-on-labs.

Modalità di erogazione

In aula o Live Virtual Classroom

Attestato di partecipazione

Al termine del corso verrà rilasciato l’attestato di frequenza

Contenuti del corso

Navigate the Dynamics 365 customer engagement apps

Explore common Dynamics 365 activities and integration options

Explore Dynamics 365 Marketing

Explore other marketing capabilities and apps

Explore Dynamics 365 Sales

Use sales capabilities

Explore Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Examine knowledge management in Dynamics 365 Customer Service and related apps

Explore Dynamics 365 Field Service

Describe the scheduling process







The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM) course is targeted to those looking to familiarize themselves with and gain a broad exposure to the marketing, sales, customer service, and field service capabilities of Dynamics 365.

This audience wants to explore the features and capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, and Dynamics 365 Field Service.

People in various roles and stages in their careers can benefit from this fundamentals course. The course is designed for IT professionals, business stakeholders, entrepreneurs, students, and people starting or changing careers who want to be exposed to the marketing, sales, customer service, and field service capabilities of Dynamics 365.


Learners should have a fundamental understanding of customer engagement principles and business operations. An understanding of cloud computing is helpful, but isn’t necessary.


Al termine del corso i partecipanti:

  • explore the features and capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, and Dynamics 365 Field Service


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